Story Massage Training – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Interested in online training in the Story Massage Programme but would you like know a bit more? Here are answers to some of your frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Where is the Story Massage Programme being used?

The programme is enjoyed by children and adults in a whole variety of settings. (Please note that the Story Massage strokes can be used as self-massage on hands and arms) .

  • In nurseries, schools, special schools, afterschool clubs, youth groups, infant massage and yoga classes
  • In hospices, hospitals and care homes
  • For people with dementia
  • For children with special physical, emotional or educational needs
  • In art, drama, music and language classes (ideal for teaching a foreign language to children)
  • With adoptive and foster parents
  • In the family home
  • As part of relaxation and well-being programmes for children and adults

** Take a look at our  Vimeo Channel to see videos of the Story Massage Programme in action in different settings. This may also answer some of your frequently asked questions (FAQ).**

What does Story Massage Online training involve?

Ten simple massage strokes form the basis of the Story Massage Programme. These simple strokes are easy and enjoyable to learn. You will learn the strokes and how to adapt familiar stories and even create some massage stories of your own. This will help build your confidence with using the Story Massage Programme in the way that most suits you.

Story Massage strokes are given through clothes, and can be adapted for use on back, arms, head, shoulders, arms, feet, hands, legs when appropriate and acceptable for individuals.

To book your training please follow this link and choose Option 1 or Option 2:  Story Massage Online Training.  If you have any further questions then just email us on We look forward to welcoming you to our community.

Who can benefit from Story Massage training?

Everyone can benefit from our online training course. It is ideal to add to your work as a therapist, teacher, teaching assistant, physiotherapist, play or arts therapist, Relax Kids coach, care worker, relaxation and well-being coach, dementia therapist. Or any other occupation where the Story Massage Programme could bring benefits to children and adults. It is also wonderful for parents, grandparents, adoptive and foster parents wishing to bring creative, positive touch activities into the family home.

All adults working with children or vulnerable adults require a relevant DBS certificate (Disclosure and Barring Service) or equivalent. Therapists are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Professional Practice of their professional organisation.


Do I get a certificate?

The course is designed for Continuing Professional and Personal Development (CPD) as an extension of current skills, work and experience. All participants will be issued with a certificate for their own personal or professional use.

Can I run group sessions after the training?

This depends on your current job, experience and qualifications. A Story Massage Instructor Certificate is required by most insurance companies if you wish to run your own independent groups. The course does not cover information about organising or facilitating group sessions. We recommend that you have qualifications and/or experience in this field if you wish to become a Story Massage Instructor and run your own groups for babies, children, families and older people.

You do not need to have a Story Massage Instructor Certificate to run introductory sessions for parents and carers in school or to introduce the programme to colleagues who can share it in a limited way under your guidance.  It is important to clarify that participants are not trained to use the programme within their work. Anyone wishing to become fully trained should contact the Story Massage team.

To become a Story Massage Instructor, we ask you to send us a short video once you have completed the course. This is discussed on the course. We make a small charge of £25 to cover the administration.

Are there any on-going charges or requirements?

No. Once you have completed the course then you can use the Story Massage Programme within your work or at home at no further cost. You may wish to purchase some of our resources but this is not obligatory. However, we do ask you to work within the guidelines of respectful and positive touch discussed on the course. You can read these guidelines here: Story Massage Programme Guidelines for Trained Practitioners. 

How can I find out more and book the Online Course?

Easy! Just follow this link for all the information and pay via PayPal for Option 1 or Option 2:  Story Massage Online Training.  If you have any further questions then just email us on We look forward to welcoming you to our community.